Just Go Running Kit
This project was exhibited at the 2019 ITAA Design Conference in Las Vegas. It won an award for "Creative and Innovative Employment of Techniques". The first athlete with cerebral palsy to be signed with Nike, Justin Gallegos is a professional runner training to break 2 hours in the half marathon. Faced with the challenges of improper muscle tone, and postural irregularities, Justin’s adapted stride places excess strain on certain muscle groups, affecting his performance capabilities. I created the Just Go Running Kit, which is a combination of running tights and over the hand-arm sleeves to create a more efficient gait. The design utilizes heat transferred vinyl to help put ease on his muscles and slightly shifts his form to be more ergonomic. Justin's cerebral palsy causes hypertonic (excessive firing) muscle activity, so I used bio-ceramic infused material to increase circulation for faster muscle recovery.